Need Authentication Features For Your Project Built With Laravel?

Need Authentication Features For Your Project Built With Laravel?

Get A Headstart With Laravel-Breeze!


4 min read

Open-sourced framework Laravel offers us a whole lot more than we ask for. Its magnificent features and an enormous amount of packages make our coding life much easier. Working with laravel has never been a tedium type of job because of its vast number of packages.

From authentication to debugging your laravel software can be done with its own implemented packages. Laravel provides various packages for a certain part of a project that writing about all the packages in one go will lead to a huge blog that everyone would likely ignore! So we at UI-Lib thought to focus on a certain part, compare some similar packages and try to write elaborately about one package.

Today, let us give you some heads-up on implementing all types of authentication features such as login, registration, password reset, email validation without even doing code manually.

To get all authentication features in a project Laravel came up with a number of packages such as Laravel-JetStream, Laravel-Fortify, Laravel-Sanctum, Laravel-Breeze, etc. But one question that remains is that as every package mentioned earlier is helpful for implementing authentication features which one should you choose for your project?

Let us give a brief explanation of the packages and let you choose which one you want to use for your project.

Authentication Packages in Laravel:

  • Laravel-JetStream: JetStream is a beautifully implemented project starter kit that contains all kinds of authentication features for your large-scale business website. Installing Laravel-JetStream will provide you with login and registration functionality, two-factor authentication, email verification, session management, optional team management, and many more. It is designed with Tailwind CSS and offers frontend scaffolding with Inertia or Livewire.
  • Laravel-Fortify: Laravel-Fortify is a handy little tool for authentication purposes that also helps implement login, registration, password reset functionalities. But unlike Laravel-Jetstream or Laravel-Breeze, it doesn't come with frontend implementation. Fortify allows you to implement your own frontend part for authentication and combine them with the backend functionalities that it provided. You have to call these functionalities by analyzing the route list fortify will generate after installing. For this, after installing Laravel-Fortify you should always run the route:list command.
  • Laravel-Sanctum: Laravel-Sanctum is an authentication scaffolding for APIs and Single Page Applications(SPA) which uses OAuth for managing multiple API tokens for a user and built-in-cookie based session authentication for authenticating SPAs.

The package on which we will keep our focus today is Laravel-Breeze. We will discuss what Laravel-Breeze is and how we can use it in our project.


Laravel-Breeze is a simple collection of all authentication features that your project needs to get started. It offers all functionalities like login, registration, password reset, email verification, and password confirmation. Laravel-Breeze also issues view files for authentication functionalities which are made up with Blade and designed with Tailwind CSS.

The advantage of using Laravel-Breeze is that is very lightweight and doesn't require additional complex functional works that Laravel-JetStream needs when installing. Also if we compare with Laravel-Fortify, we get a full-stack authentication system in Laravel-Breeze. The comparison made is not for giving you the feeling that Laravel-Breeze is the best rather helping you come out of the dilemma of thinking about which package for authentication you should choose for your next project.

Now let us see how we can install Laravel-Breeze in our project:


After creating your new project with laravel, setting up the database, and running all the migrations you are ready to install Laravel-Breeze.

Laravel-Breeze can be installed with the following command using composer,

composer require laravel/breeze --dev

After the composer finishes installing Laravel-Breeze we need to run the command,

php artisan breeze:install

The breeze:install command will publish authentication views, routes, controllers, and other required resources to the application.

Now as Breeze is successfully installed providing us with all the resources we should compile all our assets to run the CSS files,

npm install
npm run dev
php artisan migrate

Thus, Laravel-Breeze is installed and now ready to use. If you want to know about the frontend implementation with vue or react and get an in-depth knowledge of Breeze please visit Laravel-Breeze.


Laravel is undoubtedly one of the most easy-to-go frameworks that take care of most of our work with the packages it provides us. Implementing an authentication system for our project with laravel is a piece of cake now.

We just need to install any authentication package we prefer and start working with it. Laravel-Breeze is one of them and in our opinion a simple and best package to handle your project's authentication system.

If you like to enjoy all the functionalities that Laravel provides us with and want to get started working with Laravel please do consider giving our products WorkTick, Aatrox, Stocky which are implemented with Laravel a try.